Integrative Hypnotherapy
This is a transformational healing art that uses the art of alchemy to integrate one’s inner and outer resources for the creation of spiritual synergy within one’s self. This is an art that has its origin back in Europe during medieval times. Ascended master known today as St. Germain is a master who, over the last 600 years or more, has worked diligently to bring transformational healing techniques to our planet. He presently anchors the violet ray of transmutation/transformation on earth. St. Germain is the guiding spiritual force in transforming medieval alchemy into a healing art that benefits humanity today.
In the early 1990s St. Germain’s intention was manifested when David Quigley from California created the healing art known as Alchemical Hypnotherapy. Since then, many variations from his modality have been added.
Focus of classes and healing sessions, but not limited to:
Techniques in building client/facilitator rapport through the art of pacing; attuning one’s self and others into an altered relaxed meditative state; rescuing and healing one’s inner child; embracing and healing one’s shadow; connecting to one’s inner and outer guides; rescripting outdated subconscious programs and past contracts; healing fractured sub-personalities, and creating healthy alliances and commitments with our guides.
Greater attunement to one’s higher spiritual purpose
Ability to become more centered and grounded in one’s truth
Deeper feeling of peace
Freedom from negative subconscious energy patterns
Higher level of spiritual and physical vitality
Outline of Integrative Hypnotherapy Core Classes
Chakra Aura alignment I (petals, colors and energy patterns)
Chakra Aura Alignment II (self-protection, psychic cords and light shield)
Pacing (client/facilitator rapport)
Induction (reaching meditative state)
Emotional Healing I (rescuing inner child)
Emotional Healing II (healing one’s shadow)
Guides and Resources(connecting with one’s inner and outer resources)
Past programming(cutting unhealthy psychic cords and contacts)
Self-Integration I ( removing dissonance within self)
Self-Integration II (synergy improvement within self)
Establishing a Practice (clinical issues and ethics)
Grading Hypnotherapy sessions
Each Student is required to keep a journal of his or her spiritual journey through the course, and to submit a three-page summary upon grading session.
I look forward to helping you create your alchemy of inner spiritual synergy.
Many Blessings,
John Amoroso